Discipleship is the core ministry of our church. Members are assigned to a small group, overseen by a member of the presbytery. Small groups meet weekly.
Small groups use curriculum developed by Sr. Pastor Patrick McGrew. Curriculum moves those committed to discipleship through five staged of Christian maturity.
All members are encouraged to schedule a yearly one on one meeting with the Pastor.
What is Anotha Level U’th? It is a youth ministry for junior high and high school students (7 th -12 th grades). Our vision is to charge, train and release the next generation into purpose by amplifying the voice of the Lord. We want to see youth saved, healed, set free, discipled, equipped, empowered, and serving.
We hold youth services every Sunday. Services includes lessons, group discussions and fellowship. This is a time when students can have fun, make great friends, and grow in their relationship with God.
Anotha Level U’th is governed by a council of adults and youth. We encourage youth to joins us and get connected to other youth in the church who may be going through the same things they are. The council also likes to plan outings for fellowships and ministering.
The Youth Council is passionate about junior high and high school youth loving God with their whole heart, reaching others with their whole lives, and making disciples with the whole Gospel. Through each of our teaching times, service projects, and special events, it is the desire of the Youth Council that our youth would fall madly in love with the Father and understand the huge plan He has for their lives.
Be sure to check us out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to see what’s happening in Anotha Level U’th!
Ministry Head: Justin McAdams
Meeting Times: Fridays at 6:30 pm.
Ministry Objective: Promote spiritual growth through discipleship
This ministry provides, dancers and singers the opportunity to use their gifts in worship and deepen their training in dance and singing. Practice dates are as follows:
A ministry created to mentor young ladies, ages 9-18. Providing guidance, resources, educational tools, support and mentorship to enlighten and introduce girls to new things and ideas outside of home and their communities. Our goals at the end is to provide a secure environment for the young ladies to socialize, be educated, be encouraged, and to have fun! When they come of age, and have to say their good-byes, our prayer is that each young lady will leave better than they came feeling fulfilled,
spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, based upon their experience with Be Unique!
Ministry Heads: First Lady Charlotte McGrew and LaTasha Sullivan
Meeting Time: 4 th Sunday at 9:30 am.
A ministry created to restore hope; to provide opportunities for people to become all that God intends them to be, to put our Christian Faith in action through service to our community.
One of the greatest commands Jesus gave in the New Testament was to love your neighbor as yourself. The heart to serve comes from that Christ like love for those around us. When you get connected to a local outreach opportunity, you get to use your God-given talents to change lives.
Bridging the Gap tries to provide opportunities for the church body to activate their faith and get connected to a local outreach opportunity.
Ministry Heads: Patricia McGrew and Stacy Lewis
Meeting Times: 3 rd Sunday of each month at 9:45 am.
Ministry Objective: Provide church and community with:
The Caring Hands ministry was created to meet the needs of the church by providing personal care to those that are ill, in the hospital, and nursing homes. We are prepared to partake in assisting you with your personal needs at home or in a facility. Caring hands also oversees visitors and new members by fellowshipping with them over food and introducing them to the church leadership in a small setting.
Caring Hands offers encouragement to those within our HPFC family who are walking through challenging life events. If you are experiencing a need such as critical illness, hospitalization, or the loss of loved one, Caring Hands want to be there to lend a helping hand for whatever the need may be. Or if you want to share the joy of a birth or marriage, we also want to bless you.
Ministry Head: Tralana Daniels
Meeting Times: 2 nd Sunday at 9:30 am.
Ministry Objective: Maintain the Kingdom by meeting the needs of everyone because we care!
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit? … Therefore honor God with your body,”
I Corinthians 6:19-20
Culinary ministry meets the needs of the church by providing food that nourishes the body, mind and soul. It is our goal to provide healthy foods as much as possible for the church body. We share the grace and love of our Lord by providing a meal and a personal contact to those in our midst in need of refreshment, care and encouragement.
The Culinary Team provides support for a variety of church events such as conferences, banquets, celebration and retreats. This team is for those who have a heart for hospitality and want to be able to use their creative gifts.
Ministry Head: Glynis McGinty
Meeting Times: On a need to basis
Ministry Objectives: Maintain the Kingdom by meeting the needs of the
IP Team ministry meets the needs of the church by pleading to God for you. IP Team intercedes with prayer for the church and the world. We here at HPFC are praying people. Through prayer, we grow in our personal relationship with God. Through intercession, we partner with God to establish His heart, His will and His purposes in our families, our church, our city and our nation and the world. Prayer is engaging, exciting and rewarding. Wherever you are in your personal life, God wants to take you higher. We are here to serve you in that quest!
On Sunday mornings you will find the IP Team ushering in the Holy Spirit into our services. Also after Sunday morning service if you are still in need of prayer, the IP Team will meet with you in the prayer room to pray with you.
Come join our HPFC prayer team as we pray over our families, communities, schools and nation. Let’s all come together to seek and pray together for the Father’s heart. Everyone is welcome to join in!
At Higher Praise Family Church, we have a whole team ready to receive your request for prayer. Our Prayer Team is available at every worship service, as well as after service. Also there are prayer boxes placed around the church for prayer request, your request will be prayed over by one of our intercessors.
Every 2 nd Sunday at 3:00 pm at HPFC is Corporates Prayer Sunday, we invite you come out and pray with us. Great power is released when the church comes together to pray (Matthew 18:18-20).
Ministry Head: LyWanda Scroggins
Meeting Time: 3 rd Sunday at 9:00 am.
The mission of King’s Kids is to effectively build up courageous and contagious believers for the Kingdom while incorporating dynamic outreach, fellowship, and ministry through the arts.
Ministry Heads: Latasha Sullivan and Kenya Jackson
Meeting Planning times: Every 3 rd Sunday @ 9AM
Ministry Objectives:
Marketing and Media ministry is to promote the church by bridging the gap between the community and the church through branding and technology.
We oversee all marketing and media for the church.
We bring you Facebook where you can see our Pastor live on every Wednesday at 12 noon with Wednesday Witness. You will hear inspiring words of God and you will receive instructions on how you can help witness to God’s people. Its not a day you will want to miss.
The App is a place where you can get quick information about what is
going on at HPFC.
If you cannot get enough of the Word of God, then you do not want to miss Pastor Patrick McGrew on the Podcast.
Get connected on what is happening at HPFC by visiting our Website, picking up a flyer, and a monthly newsletter. Our way of keeping you informed.
Marketing Head: Algeretta Watson
Media Head: Carl Stephenson
Ministry Planning Time: Meet every 3 rd Saturday @ 10:00AM
Ministry Objectives: To promote the church, keep the members informed, and spread the word of God.
What is PLACE?
PLACE is a self-discovery process. You will complete several assessments that will explore your unique gifts and talents. PLACE is a bible-based curriculum that will bring radical transformation that comes by revelation or confirmation. PLACE is a tool used to give you an understanding of your unique God given design. PLACE is not nly for adults but is also for youth to find their God-given traits, abilities, spiritual gifts and take those and connect them in ministry.
Ministry Contact: NaChelle Jackson
Meeting Planning Time: Every 3 rd Saturday; quarterly
Place Workshop Times:
9:00AM-2:00 PM- Youth
10:30 AM-2:00 PM- Adults
Ministry Objectives: To give all members an understanding of their unique God-given talents designed specifically for them of who they are and how God created them.
A ministry provided for women to learn and grow spiritually with one another; covering issues that women deal with daily in hopes of individual and spiritual growth for the betterment of the Kingdom.
Ministry Head: Shae Neal
Meeting Planning Time: Every 5 th Sunday; immediately after service
Ministry Objective: Enhancing the Kingdom one woman at a time. While creating a loving environment for women of all ages to come together, for spiritual and personal growth.
The purpose of the Usher/Greeter ministry is to welcome our visitors and members during services by reaching out to them with a friendly smile, handshake and hug. Greeting our visitors and members as they arrive creates an inviting environment in preparation for how the Lord will minister during worship and the message.
The Usher/Greeter team assist with various components of the services and they work closely with the Pastor and Elders to ensure our members, attendees and visitors have the best possible worship experience. Duties include seating assistance, offering period and communion. The Usher/Greeter team consist of a Women’s team, Youth ushers, Young Women’s team, and Men’s team.
Ministry Head: Bridgette Alaman
Meeting Time: As needed
“Building families through worship, while bridging the gap between the
communities with the arts.”
The heart of WFAM worship is to give every person an opportunity to experience God in the greatest way possible in every service. We offer worship that targets all ages, demographics and spiritual temperaments. It is our goal to create experiences that present the entire Word of God with the results of glorification of God. Worship is an offering to the Lord and our sacrifice needs to be the best we can offer.
Ministry Head: Elders Curtis & Laura Butler
Meeting Planning Time: 1 st Saturdays 2-3 PM
Ministry Objectives: