2909 Horton Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76119


“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done.” Philippians 4:6

The IP Team meets the needs of the church by pleading to God for you. The IP Team intercedes with prayer for the church and the world. We here at HPFC are praying people. Through prayer, we grow in our personal relationship with God. Through intercession, we partner with God to establish His heart, His will and His purposes in our families, our church, our city, our nation and the world. Prayer is engaging, exciting and rewarding. Wherever you are in your personal life, God wants to take you higher. We are here to serve you in that quest!

On Sunday mornings you will find the IP Team ushering the Holy Spirit into our service. Also, after morning worship if you are still in need of prayer, the IP Team will meet with you in the prayer room to pray for you.

Every 2nd Sunday at 3:00p.m. is Corporate Prayer Sunday and we invite you to come out and pray with us. Great power is released when the church comes together to pray (Matthew 18:18-20).

Ministry Head: LyWanda Scroggins
Meeting Time: 1st Sunday, 1:00p.m.